The Music Money Mystery

Of the mysteries in the music business, one of the ones most often talked about, complained about, envied about…is the ever bewildering money mystery.

You know exactly what it looks like but here’s a refresher…

-struggling artist doesn’t have a side job
-songwriter without a pub deal (or hits) constantly going on “writer retreats”
-young producer has the nicest studio in town
-new band has all of the best gear known to man
-a 23 year old manager “owns” a condo downtown

You sit back and wonder how in the world are they doing this?? It’s a true money mystery!!!  
There’s always an answer and it’s never far away.

The answer to the mystery isn’t that they have writing credit on a Lady Gaga’s hit that they’ve been secretly collecting on all this time…

The answer is exactly what you think it is: They have someone giving/loaning them money!!  A parent, a trust, a rich dumb investor, a credit card, doesn’t matter…yes, they’re getting money, they’re not making it on their own.

It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re getting joy, fulfillment, respect, power, credibility or wisdom…but the money and what it buys can usually trick you into giving them prestige.

The answer to “HOW IN THE WORLD DID THEY GET…”, is someone gave it to them.

Mystery solved. Get over it. Onto more important things.

p.s.  The other, much much more rare answer to the money mystery is that they actually paid for it.  It took time, they worked hard, saved up, invested well, budgeted well, partnered with smart people and now they’re able to do whatever it is they want.  

Not so mysterious…and certainly attainable.

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