Butch Walker

I was flipping channels tonight and ventured into the 300’s…all the sports and news in the 200’s was a snooze.

Channel 334 (on Directv) is called Audience.  They play some cool music stuff…not a lot, but some.

I happened to come across it at the top of the hour when a Butch Walker special was just starting.  I’ve never been some giant Butch fan, but I knew the Marvelous 3 hit way back when and a couple of his solo records (Left of Self Centered, and The Lets Go Out Tonights).

So I knew just enough to stop on the channel.

Instantly I got it.  All my pals who have always told me “you gotta see Butch live”…I got it.  

Absolutely magnetic.

The format of the show was Butch and his band would play a song in this LA studio and then they would cut to him being interviewed by the host.

I was hooked. Didn’t even hit previous-channel to check the score of the game I’d been watching.

About half way through I thought…I should write about this tonight.  But I wanted to write something more than “he’s just got it” (he does) or “you know it when you see it” (I did).

So I started looking a little deeper.  Here’s what I saw…

Butch really wanted to be there.  There was no audience while they played the songs, but his joy was still evident.  He even got the crowd clapping during the breakdowns even though there wasn’t a crowd.  My guess is Butch appreciates and values most situations he finds himself in…that’s why when put in a cold studio for TV, it still comes out, he’s been practicing gratitude for the moment.

Butch is willing to bring his passion, show his passion and lead with it.  He’s willing to be the energy that everyone else bounces off of. He’s willing to be physical, to enter into his songs with his face, fingers, legs, mouth, eyes, to amplify the strength of the signal of the song.

And specifically pertaining to the interview segments…he gained experience by DOING things, by being active.  Going and Doing create magnetism.  Experience is interesting.  And age gives perspective if you’re willing to pay attention, which he is.

Check Butch out.  Check out his tunes, his interviews, stuff he’s written and produced for other artists.  I think you’ll learn a lot.

And go see him live. I’m going to.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com