Hard Workin Man

Being a hard worker doesn’t mean you’ll scale the heights of success you desire…but it helps. 

People respect a hard worker. And successful artists, for the most part, are respected.

Hard work is also one of those things you don’t need to wait for anyone else to start doing.  You don’t need the go-ahead from your manager or agent or label.

Go and work hard. In time, go work hard and delegate wisely.  

Allow the definition of hard worker to evolve over time, circumstance and experience…but it’s always worth setting out to be one, and to be known as one.

p.s. Also worth mentioning here…

If you desire to be an iconic artist and everyday you unload and reload the trailer, chop down a tree to build a guitar, and play 3hrs a night down on Broadway and 4th Ave…that’s a horrible plan, but wow you’re a hard worker.  Respect for commitment and sheer will power.  You are exceptional.  Not smart, but exceptional.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com