Can vs. Will


CAN is all about what could be, what’s possible.  It’s the mechanical, tactical, hypothetical, wide ranging landscape.  What are you able to do?  

You can research cancer and make great tacos and write a song and bag groceries and build dog houses.  You CAN do a lot of things.

You probably can’t play center for the Chicago Bulls, you probably can’t be the first person on the moon, you probably can’t avoid getting your tongue burned by that first sip of coffee.  

But you CAN do a lot of things.


However, what will you do?

You hear people all the time snarkily say “Oh I can do that” in regards to an invention, an idea, a sports feat, a musical performance, cooking a great meal.  But very rarely, if ever, do people respond with “Oh I WILL do that”.

Saying ‘I can do that’ doesn’t put you on the hook.  Something you merely can do simply falls into the never ending pool of things you can do.  There’s no personal ownership in what you can do.

Only when the CAN leads to WILL.

And what you will do compared to what you can do is very very narrow.

It’s comforting to ramble on about what we can do. We sound so established and successful and important.

The things you will do, that’s your life, that’s what is exciting, that’s what changes the world around you.

Don’t focus on what you can do, there’s too much there, it’s dizzying.

Focus on what you will do.

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