Follow Me If You Want To...

Follow me if you want to…

…(insert your answer here)

Most every artist is running around, wildly concerned with getting followers.  MORE followers. More Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter followers.

And what is usually meant by followers is fans (although the truth is one doesn’t necessarily equal the other).

But why should we follow you on social media or just in general? What’s the point? What’s YOUR point?

What’s your one sentence pitch?  

And it’s not that you need to proclaim your pitch or verbally state it to your followers…you almost shouldn’t need to…it should just be operated from, consciously and/or subconsciously.

I wish I could reach through the device you’re reading this on and make you sit there until you come up with and believe in your answer to the statement.  I don’t care if it takes weeks or months.  It’s of utmost importance.  Spend all the necessary time it takes.


Follow me if you want to…

There’s no right or wrong answer, just a true one.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: