The Glory Is Brief

Over the years I’ve had the pleasant opportunity of meeting and hanging with famous people, mostly famous musicians.  And I have a lot of friends who have done the same.

And the number one thing everyone says after hanging out with a famous artist is some variation of…”They were just so normal and cool and laid back”.


Because the glory is brief. It doesn’t last.

No one can live inside of it. 

That’s what makes the glory, glory…and the rest of life not.

You can’t live glory…so the end of the day you have to live with yourself.  Glory is brief, who you are is not.

Glory is the sold out audience shouting their affirmation at you. Glory is that one moment in that one song where you hit the note in just that extra special way that caused you to transcend into the next dimension for a moment.  Glory is the line out the door for the autograph signing.

Glory is so brief if attained at all.  It’s there and then it’s gone…and you then return to your norm.

So of course the rockstars we get to rub elbows with are normal, what did we expect?

p.s. In the long run seeking out glory often robs you of being compelling.  While doing the hard work of discovering and developing your compelling-ness could very well open the gates to a few true moments of glory.

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