Food Fight From Hook

You used to put out a record and play a hundred shows before even thinking about moving on to the next thing.

You believed that people would be better off if they came to your shows, experienced your show, experienced this music.

And then over time and the ups and downs, it changed.

You put out a record and play ten or twenty shows.  Then you take the temperature.  If it’s feeling like a loser, you begin putting distance between you and the particular project.  Maybe you don’t say it yet, but that sentiment starts creeping its way into the visible and feel-able picture.

But the separation only leads to more separation and less commitment to the belief you need.

You HOPE people will be better off if they come to the show, but you don’t BELIEVE they will be.  And that changes impact of the show.  It makes it worse.

You need to remember how to believe.  Like the colorful food fight in Hook.

We want to believe in you.  We just need you to go first.

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