A friend of mine told me about a food truck that has been hanging around our area lately…he said we needed to check it out and that the owner is a really sweet guy and he’s trying to get things off the ground and would appreciate our support.
It’s hard to get by on support.
Sure, I’ll try something new. But if the food is bad I’m probably not going back just to be supportive.
Whether you’re starting a restaurant, a band or a lawn care business…while in the short term support is crucial, eventually you have to trade on good work rather than support.
Support might get you your first few fans or customers but people won’t support for long before they want to see a benefit for themselves that outweighs what they’re spending.
It’s great to have support but easier to build a career once you’re delivering something they desire for themselves.
»» Turns out the food was fantastic. King Tut's Food Truck on Nolensville Road. And the owner was a really nice guy too.