Getting That Manager

I remember first starting getting into the business, playing in bands, starting a band…longing for that manager, the Brian Epstein.

How is this mysterious miracle worker found.

I asked around. The consensus? You don’t find them, they find you.

I hated that answer so much.  Partially because, in life, I prefer and seek out control, and partially because I came to find out years later that that answer wasn’t necessarily true.

Here’s the truth…

You don’t need to wait for them to find you. 

The trick is coming to them as the wise owner of your career…and not as their potential, desperate employee. 

If you’re looking to be their employee, then yes, you have to wait for them.

If you go to them acting like the owner but actually deep down want to be their employee (hoping they’ll “work their magic” while you relax a little), they’ll be able to tell.  And that’s not exciting.

When you truly own your career, when you know what your product is and deliver it in a way that’s exciting and inspiring, go out and find and pursue whoever you want to manage it.

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