What A Penny Could Be Worth

Life on the road can be pretty blurry, literally and figuratively. The groundhogs day effect, the same ol’ same ol.

Here’s something that might be exciting and meaningful for you on the road.

After each show you give out a penny…to one person, in front of everyone on the road with you.

You say why that person is getting the penny that day. Maybe they had an exceptional performance, maybe they screwed up but recovered well, maybe they’re wearing some new awesome jeans, hit some great lighting cues, or made friends with the ugly nasty bar tender.  

The penny ceremony will go through some phases: it’ll start off a little strange but special, then get really special, then get cheesy, and then find its right place in life on the road.

But through all of these phases, the person who receives the penny, while they’re only one cent richer for the day, will absolutely feel valued and appreciated even if they play it off as no big deal.

A penny becomes worth a lot more than a penny.

Try it. What do you have to lose…It’s just a few pennies.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com