Giving A Little Speech

If you had to give a little public speech at the end of each week about something important to you, you’d start gathering ideas at the beginning of the week.

On Monday something major happens so you write it down. But by Friday will it still be major enough to include in your speech? And then there’s the ideas you have on Tuesday, the exciting work you did on Wednesday, the interesting conversations you had on Thursday and the podcasts you listened to on Friday.

It wouldn’t be surprising if the speech ended up being about whatever you thought of on Friday…because, all things being equal, Friday’s events and ideas have had the least amount of time to decay.

But I would argue that the problem isn’t coming up with ideas to give a little speech about. There are plenty of ideas. The interesting problem is to find the type of ideas, concepts and thoughts that don’t decay in the course of a week…and even more so, don’t decay over months and years but rather build in the potency and staying power.

»» If the thing that’s really major and important on Monday doesn’t have at least five days of staying power, maybe it wasn’t that major to begin with. Maybe that Monday energy would have been better spent somewhere else.


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