Motivated State Of Mind

When we get to motivated state of mind we think it’s going to stay forever and we over promise…to ourselves and to others.

I’ve been at the lunch meetings, the dinner meetings, the venue meetings, the bus meetings, the late night hang meetings…and it’s easy to truly get motivated and feel a desire to do commit to carrying out a bunch of plans.

But before you commit you need to consider whether or not you will carry out the plans when you feel unmotivated. Because the unmotivation is coming. It always does.

Imagine yourself waking up on a Tuesday morning tired and cranky and uncaffinated and ten voicemails already and fifty emails already. And completely unmotivated. Will you work on the plans and promises you made with the same tenacity and commitment to excellence even when the motivation isn’t there?

Motivation is helpful but it can’t be relied upon as a constant companion to get to where you want to go.


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