Artists should be able to see who users are listening to just before them and right after, so artists can get insight into what artists people relate to them, and perhaps what triggers someone to listen to them.
It could set up some pretty fantastic touring packages too. If artists A finds out that lots of people are listening to artist B just before them, it’s likely a tour of A and B would be pretty great.
Artists should be able to see how much of songs their listeners are listening to. Are people really listening to the first song on the album or are they only listening to the first 10secs because it’s first on the list and then jumping to something else.
Better geographic detail of listeners.
What time of the day people are listening to which songs.
Integrate the touring section with the streaming data. After you play Chicago is there a spike in streaming there? Or maybe there’s a spike in Chicago leading up to the show because your team worked hard on tour press?
All this data is there. We all know it is. Streaming companies are already using it for marketing, ads, building playlists, etc…artists should have access too.
p.s. I can’t back this up, but I would argue that artists getting this information could be more valuable than begging the streaming services for a better royalty rate.
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