How Badly Do You Want To Put On A Great Show?

When it’s Saturday night, an hour before you walk on stage, you want to have a great show.  You want to get the setlist right, warm up your voice, talk through transitions, focus on the show, feel the desire to connect.  You’ll do whatever it takes to make the show great.  It’s game time.

Yeah yeah yeah.

But what about the Monday before the Saturday show?

What about the month before the Saturday show?

What are you doing then to ensure that the show will be great?

How badly do you want to put on a great show THEN?

Everyone wants to win when it’s game time.  

It’s the people who prepare with that same game day focus even when it’s not game day who really deliver.  Those are the pros.  The artists who understand that people are coming to see a SHOW, and so they prepare (well in advance) a show.

If you always wait till a day or an hour before the show to pay attention to, and act on, your desire to have a great show…you don’t really want it.  

And you will constantly be limiting yourself. Which will be frustrating.

So how badly do you want your next show to be great?

You can start getting to work right this moment.

If you need a helping hand to take you further into this (or simply a kick in the tushy), drop me an email.  This is an area I’ve really enjoyed helping artists in, and it seems to be making a big difference.

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