Why Nashville Loves Nike Frees

Does Nike know why they sell so many of their Nike Free shoes in Nashville?

It’s not because Nashville has more runners than other cities, they don’t.  And the few running connoisseur’s I know certainly aren’t sporting the Frees. So it’s not a “this is the best running shoe so you should get it” thing.

Nike Free shoes are wildly popular here in Nashville…why? Because skinny jeans are wildly popular here.

See…people in Nashville wear skinny jeans and boots. Skinny jeans and high tops.  But mostly skinny jeans and boots.

Especially in musician world.  99% of artists walk on stage with some variation of this uniform.

BUT, boots hurt your feet after a while.  Unless you go the gel-insole rout (which almost no one does), long days with boots get old and painful after a few years.

So you want to take your boots off and switch to something more comfy.

The problem is most running shoes are much more bulky and look awful with skinny jeans.  And you’re definitely not in the business if changing your pants style just because your feet hurt.

So roll out the Nike Frees. The skinniest of all running/comfy/supportive shoes.  And they come in black.  

Artists need a comfortable shoe to wear with their skinny jeans when they’re not wearing boots with their skinny jeans. 

That’s why they sell so well here in Nashville.

Does Nike know this? No.  Or yes, but they haven’t done anything about it yet.

How do I know? Because they haven’t come out with something even skinnier that looks even better with skinny jeans.

It’s worth it to find out why you’re doing well in a certain city or a certain platform or radio station or playlist.  The analytics available to artists are better than ever.  

Why do you get the most streams on Wednesdays? Why is France your second most popular country?  Why did you have that one day where you had thousands more streams than any other day?  Why did that post get shared so much?  Where did the clicks come from?  How come Minneapolis is in your top 5 cities and you’ve never played there?

These aren’t things to dwell on, but it’s career limiting to dismiss them.

p.s. If anyone from Nike comes across this…you’re welcome.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com