I Was On Bon Jovi’s Private Jet

But that’s not the point.  And it’s not what you think either.

A bunch of years ago I worked for a brief time for Dolly Parton and her management. I learned a bunch of things, not the least of which was this…

Dolly and the gang were getting ready to go on a European tour.  She hadn’t done Europe in a long time so this was a pretty big deal.

The day of departure I was responsible for hauling a car load of stuff to the plane.

The private plane. 

Jon Bon Jovi’s private plane…that Dolly was renting to go to Europe.

It turns out he owns quite a fleet, so this was just one of many.

I delivered my batch of suitcases and boxes to the plane (because private planes have private airports with private entrances and I was cleared to drive my 94’ Olds right up to that bird).

I took a stroll through the plane too.

Good not great.

I left the airport before Dolly and the entourage were due to arrive a few hours later.

Problem…as everyone was boarding the plane, a lady on the management team realized she’d forgotten to pack an important birthday gift for someone else on the management team who was having their birthday during the tour.

So she called me and said, “I need you to get that gift to Denmark by Thursday.  Do what you need to do, you have the company card, make it happen”.

Another problem…it was already Monday night.  

Ok, Denmark in two days. Here we go.

Another problem…when I go pick up the gift, I find out the gift is giant.  Boxed up about 4ft tall x 3ft wide x 1ft deep.  It’s also heavy.

I start calling shipping places. I have unlimited funds to make this happen. I’m feeling powerful and confident and I also bought a latte on the company card because it was getting late and I needed fuel.

I called UPS, I called Fedex, I called that company with the yellow and red logo, I called the airlines themselves, I called everyone.  I told everyone I will pay whatever astronomical price they charge, I just need this giant box in Denmark on Thursday.

(An important note for my egos sake here: I never dropped Dolly’s name)

These people won’t cooperate, they have nothing for me.  I reiterate my position of unlimited money.  Still nothing.

Everyone says they can ship the giant package to Denmark, but can’t get it there by Thursday.

I can’t accept that answer. If a human can mathematically get to Denmark by Thursday, then this box can too.

It’s getting late at night now. I’m visibly sweating and fussy at the FedEx/Kinkos I’d been sitting at for hours.

I call FedEx International back again for the millionth time.  I go deep. Each person I get on the phone I ask them to transfer me to their superior.  This is my only hope.  I need someone to dive into the fray with me.  Someone who’s willing to get it done even though they don’t immediately know HOW they’re going to do it.

I find the person to help me. I spend thousands.  The birthday party is saved.  No one knew of my struggle.

That’s a fun story.  And I learned a lot about getting things done…

I learned that unlimited money to get something done doesn’t get the thing done.  Money is pretty meaningless unless you have cooperation and know-how, people who are willing to figure things out with you, people who are willing to get in the dirt with you and dig.

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