Losing The NBA Finals

The reason losing the NBA Finals sucks is because a lot of people see you not get something you really wanted. 

A definition of success (winning the championship) is so clearly understood by everyone watching…so much so that when that version of success doesn’t happen, you get stamped with the opposite.

Maybe not a stamp as  extreme as failure, but certainly everyone is aware you didn’t succeed.

So when you’re walking around the days, weeks, years after the fact…the people are very aware of your non-success.

When your desires are known by so many (millions of) people, you have to dig, search, plan, re-work, practice, lay it on the line in front of them.

And if it doesn’t work out, it hurts.  Not only because unfulfilled desires sting, but also because lots of people know you’ve been stung.

Making your desires known is vulnerable.

It’s also a great way to get a lot done. It’s a great way to put yourself on the hook.  It’s a great way to look fear in the eyes and see what you’ve got in the tank.  It’s a great way to build leadership, intentionality, assertiveness and power.

Or you can keep your desires to yourself.  You and everyone else will continually let you off the hook, you’ll get a few things done from time to time, fear will often turn into laziness, and you will not build anything substantial.

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