
The music business isn’t rigged against you…it just doesn’t need that many bands and artists to keep itself going.

It’s not that there’s only room for so many superstars, it’s that it only requires so many.  As long as there’s a good girl, a bad girl, an angry guy, a pretty guy, one rock band, a plump-is-ok artist and a few others (what are you?), things just keep tick tocking along.

But while you’re not needed, there is absolutely room for you.

It’s not rigged.

No one’s rigging against you. No one is willing to take their own precious time to use it against you.  Everyone’s simply rigging for themselves.  So in a zero sum game, looking out for oneself is the the equivalent of being against another.

But it’s not zero sum.

You are welcome to blow up at any time.  No one and nothing is stopping you.

Write the great songs, hire the great team, make the great plan, sell out Wembley stadium. 

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com