More Than Playing Music

To be a successful artist (whether that’s simply making a living or making millions) you’re going to have to do a lot more than just play music.

Playing the music is the prize for making it through all the other stuff that isn’t music.

Even the best artists with the best teams don’t get to just noodle on a piano all day.

There are phone calls and meetings and handshakes and traveling. Signing deals, getting out of deals, new lawyers, switching booking agents, firing the tour manager, choosing the producer. It’s endless.

It’s really hard and it’s not going to go according to plan.

But the music and the feeling you get while playing it is the foundation. Never forget that. All the other stuff is simply the problems you’re choosing in order to build a certain type of career.

The moment you take your guitar out of your bedroom, you’re going to have to do more than play music.


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