Music and Lifestyle

When we were young we were looking for music AND lifestyle. We didn’t have a lifestyle (or a style) yet so along with adopting the music as our own we wore the same clothes as the artist, assumed the same outlook and attitude, talked like them, thought like them, prioritized like them.

Listening to the music was about more than the feeling it gave us…it was about identity. We were absent our own lifestyle, and music came along and gave us both a feeling and a lifestyle.

As we get older we tend to appreciate new music for what it is…new music. Our lifestyle is already pretty set (in part thanks to the music from our formative years) and we’d rather stick with what we’ve got.

We have clothes we like, a posture we’ve become known for, beliefs that have gotten us this far and a priority list that extends way beyond blending in with the latest wave.

This idea has a powerful effect on how you market to your audience. What are they looking to you for? Does that line up with what you’re offering? How will you know you’re making a difference?


Hum Love on Spotify and Apple