One More Seat

If you’re building a new theater it pays to add one more seat. That extra seat represents thousands of dollars in annual revenue. And to add one more seat you only need to down size all the other seats in the row by a half an inch.

So you cut each seat by a half inch and that gives you an extra seat. And since the math works in one row, why not do it to all rows…so now you’ve got an extra seat in each row. Now we’re making money.

You’ve squeezed a half inch out of each seat…but if each seat has two arm rests and you can cut a quarter of an inch of each arm rest, that math should give you ANOTHER seat in each row.

So now you’ve got seats that are a little narrower than normal but functional…and arm rests that usable but aren’t quite comfortable. But the cashflow is gonna be insane.

It’s a slippery slope…

What about taking out the arm rests all together? How narrow can the seats be without violating codes? Can the aisles be narrower in order to add more seats? What’s the minimum amount of leg room needed…maybe another whole row can be added?

At some point you have to ask…is anyone going to want to come to this place? Or even more so…is anyone going to want to come back…is anyone going to tell their friends how wonderful it was?

Eventually, adding one more seat is going to do the exact opposite of what you hope adding one more seat is going to do.


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