The Diploma Font

When we see the diploma it’s hard to tell what most of the words actually say because it’s written in the hard to read diploma font. But we know that font means business. It means achievement and status and value. We don’t need to know the words because we know the font.

So it’s worth asking…What if it was written in Curlz instead?

How would that feel? Why does it matter? Should it matter?

If you want to make someone feel a certain way it’s worth figuring out how that feeling has been given before. Curlz is a bad way to make someone feel important, regardless of what you think about it.

»» It might seem a little crazy that the shape and style and size of a font can steer our emotions and identity so easily…so it might be tempting to fight against this notion or have the attitude of ‘ahh, it doesn’t matter’…but just because you don’t want it to matter doesn’t mean it doesn’t.


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