The Response To Your Next Big Post

When another artist sees your post about the awesome gig you landed, you signed with the big company, you wrote with the big star, your sold out show…how do you hope they feel?

I’m gonna guess (but it’s not really a guess) and say you hope they feel genuinely excited for you, that they’ll share in your moment of liberation.  That they’ll have a moment of respect and admiration for all the hard thankless work that went into making this shining moment happen.

You hope they share in the joy of your joyful moment.

And while this is how you hope others respond to your moment…

How do you respond to others’ moments?

In the comparison business….er….I mean in the music business the way many respond to other artists big moments tends to be with skepticism, jealousy, envy, undermining, and contempt.

The exact opposite of how we hope people are responding to us.

Learn to be truly happy for others’ success, as you hope they are learning to be truly happy for yours.

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