Rapid Fire Questions

There’s something about rapid fire questions.

Don’t think just answer.

Like when the girls from The Office take Michael to the mall food court because he doesn’t know what to do about Jan.  They make a pros/cons list, lots of questions and second guessing…and then Michael gets blind sided with the simple question “What do you want to do about Jan?”…he just blurts out “I want to break up with her”.

So now it’s your turn. Don’t think just answer.

What song do you hate playing the most?

Who probably needs to be fired?

Do you want to be doing this hustle in ten years?

Would you rather be great or famous?

Who do you need to spend more time getting to know?

As an artist, what’s the one single word that best describes you?

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com