The Smartest Reviewer

How come we think the smartest, most correct review is the one that talks about us negatively? 

We believe they’re the ones who see the truth, who see through us, so we hold onto it…because most of us believe about ourselves what the negative review is saying.

The thumbs down, the one star, the negative feedback, the snarky comment…

The truth is you’re the one who has put something out into the world, and it just so happens it’s being “reviewed” on any number of websites in any number of ways.

An overtly negative, hot-headed review doesn’t take courage to write. Digital courage is not real courage.

All this review really tells you is that you’ve put something out that has the potency to hit people hard and elicit a reaction.

So if you’re the type to concern yourself with reviews…the one star and the five star are both great reviews.

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