Where The Streets Have A Giant Mistake

A friend of mine saw U2 a couple weeks ago in San Francisco.

Seeing U2 is a big deal if you’re the type of person who goes to see U2.

Its a big show with big songs. Some of the biggest songs.

(First of all, regardless of political leanings, homeboy can still deliver a speech.)

Probably the biggest of those songs is Where The Streets Have No Name.

When that guitar riff comes in over the synth pad, heaven opens for a brief moment in time.

Then after the synth and the guitar riff do their thing for a while, it’s Adam Clayton’s turn on bass to thump those eighth notes.

My pal sent me the video he took of this song.

This is THE moment. The full band comes in and it’s everything you love about music and life.

But when the bass came in…he was in the wrong key.  The waaaaay wrong key.

And it didn’t get fixed quickly, it took a while.  On the video I could see Adam and the Edge walk to the middle of the stage trying to figure it out.  And eventually they did, but man it was painful.

The biggest band with the biggest show during the biggest moment of the biggest song.   Probably the biggest mistake Adam Clayton could conceivably make.

I just thought this was worth passing along.

p.s.  My friend said the show was absolutely amazing.

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