They’re Doing Something Right

They’re doing something right.

Who is?


We’ve trained ourselves to find the flaws, the short comings, to be the snarky peanut gallery.  And where has that gotten us?

Can we learn from others’ mistakes?  Yes…but in the music business and in show business it’s not black and white.  Its a continuum.  A thing, an idea, a decision, a set list choice could be better, could be worse…sometimes it suits someones career a little better, or a little worse.

It’s rare to truly have a case of “he shouldn’t have done that”…usually the truth is “he should have done that a little more this way, or that way” “he should have waited a little longer” “he needs to tweak it”.

No one succeeding in show business is a complete idiot (although some seem to continually make their case).

Get out of the mud and start learning from what other artists are doing right.

Growing your list of what not to do (that is, what you’ve decided you yourself are not going to do, or ways in which you won’t do things) is valuable.

But if that’s all you have, and haven’t built your list of things TO DO, you’ll never be great.

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