What Is The Key To Being A Frontman?

What is the key to being a frontman?

The willingness to be a frontman.

Frontmen (and women) are willing to be the center, the literal focal point, everything goes through them be it good or bad.

Frontmen are willing to receive the attention that goes along with the position.

Sure, the glory and moments of special treatment, everyone wants that.  But the thankless pressure of responsibility that constantly rests on the frontman, very few want any part of that.

So chances are, if you’re constantly willing to be a frontman, you are one.

Thanks for being the guy.


p.s. If you love singing your tunes but don’t have the willingness to be a front man, you will have a very short career, or certainly an anxiety ridden one.

But you can grow your willingness…by recognizing that the responsibility is a gift, a gift to be given away in the unique style that you do.

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