Writing Songs Is Not A Linear Process

When you build a model airplane and you’re about half way through, the plane looks about half way complete.  You did half the work and have half the result to show for it. 

You keep progressing down the path to the finish line.  60%, 70%, 80%, 90% done…and the plane looks 90% done.

Now, at 90% its obviously almost done.  It’s almost the masterpiece you set out to complete.  And then it’s completely done and you stand back proud of your diligent work and the fact that you made it.  You took it from 0 to 100.

Songwriting is not like that.

In songwriting, like in model airplanes, you start with nothing, at 0. 

But instead of a steady climb to 100 and a corresponding ‘thing’ to show all along the way, its more like this in the songwriting process…

It goes from 0 to 25 to 26 to 4 to 65 to -33 to 0 to -40 to 15 to 100!!!!!

Half way through doesn’t correspond to half way to 100.  Half way through in no way corresponds to having 50% to show.

That’s the sweet frustration of it all.  A perfect, complete 100 may be right around the corner or far far far away.  You’ll just have to keep going to find out.

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I’m always interested in your perspective, whether affirming or dissenting. Continue the conversation anytime: gabethebassplayer@gmail.com