Free Windows

A week ago a guy knocked on our door…I was upstairs when he knocked so by the time I came down and opened the door he was half way back down the sidewalk.

He was obviously selling something and quickly turned around to make me the pitch.

This guy was part of a home renovation company, specifically exterior stuff, gutters, windows, etc.  There’s A LOT of renovation going on in Nashville.

I’m always curious to hear someone’s sales pitch, so I let him throw it at me.  Although I was absolutely skeptical, duh.

“Have you heard of our company before?”


“That’s because we don’t spend money on advertising so we can pass that savings along to our customers”


We got into a conversation specifically about windows and what it would take to replace mine.  He was pushing hard.  And then a little too hard…

“With the windows we install, you end up saving so much on your energy bill within two years that its the equivalent of getting free windows”

OK hold it. Like I said before, there’s lots of renovation going on in Nashville and lots right in our neighborhood.  If there was a company giving away free windows, I would have heard about it, EVERYONE would have heard about it.  EVERYONE would have been talking about this company.

I would have heard of this guys’ company before and already have had his free windows installed in my home.

Free windows would be awesome. 

But it was the words “free windows” that made me move the conversation towards completion and sending him back down my sidewalk.

Homeboy was desperate and was ready to say anything to get a sale.  Gross.

But the true moral of the story…discernment is knowing when to just stay upstairs and let the opportunity that is knocking just pass on by.

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